Halloweave is a fun four week event, 3-31 October 2011,  where each of us gets a wee bit better at fibery things; weaving, spinning, finishing, etc. Set a personal goal or challenge.  Confront what haunts you.  Declare your goal publicly.  Join like minded fiber freaks for festivities and fortification. Take a risk, be fearless. The difficulty and intensity of the goal is individual--so long as it’s something above and beyond your usual.   Is there something fibery that you have been avoiding- a fiber, technique, structure or a color? Set your goal higher than your normal, try something you might otherwise postpone or avoid. Try flying that broomstick; you may fall many times; you will be better even if bruised. This is about becoming a slightly better weaver not about making a masterpiece.  Push yourself and warp, weave, work. 




Work on your project everyday of the Halloweave.  Five minutes counts.  Holy days are days of rest as needed.

Join a team, or several, that reinforces your goals.

 State your goal.

 Share your progress.

Post your trials and tribulations; get support.  

Celebrate your achievements; get accolades.

Motivate others.

Share pictures.

Win prizes


Prizes will be awarded

  • some random to team members
  • some by votes on posted pictures
  • some by meeting goals within teams