Let's include fund raising at the beginning of the event or at the end only.  Spinning and weaving week is about helping to further spinning and weaving around the world.  One way to do that is to help support Weavolution.

In the past 2 years, our monthly expenses have gone from $100. to $1000. because we are a larger, more active site.  No on receives any compensation for their work on Weavolution!!!!  There is hosting, email support, Webex(Cyber-Fiber classes), domain costs, server, and development.  There are postage costs for mailing flyers to fiber festivals, costs for printing the 4x6 informational card which we use, email accounts, banking.  We stated with just over 200 people the first month and now we have just past 9000!!!  



Erica J

I think this is a great idea. I'm not sure if at the beginning or end is best though.

