
ruthmacgregor (not verified)

Yum!!  Tina, that's really beautiful!  Those ladder yarns have always captured my attention and come home with me from shows and conferences, but I've never actually figured out what to *do* with them.  This is spectacular -- the shiny little squares in the ladder yarn are free to move and catch the light... and do!  Nice scarf.


KathieP (not verified)

What a wonderful title for a beautiful scarf!  The supplemental yarn just glows and lights it all up.  At first I thought it might be beads it was so shiny and bright.  I have knitted with this yarn but have yet to weave with it....hmmmm.....something to think on.


TinaHilton (not verified)

Thanks.  This is actually a variation of a pattern from Handwoven.  Her version shows a lot of the ribbon, but on one side only, and takes much more time.  You insert knitting needles or slender dowels to help keep the ribbon on the top.  I made a couple of them that way, then tried just a normal supplemental warp without all the fussing.  I like both ways, but this is much easier.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

The rayon chenille is threaded plain weave.  I used 4 shafts to spread it out some, but it could be done with 2.  I then placed the supplemental warp yarn (3 strands) alternately on shafts 5 and 6, evenly spaced throughout the warp (1.5" from the selvedges and spaced 1.5" throughout).  I tied 2 treadles for plain weave, one for shaft 5, and one for shaft 6.  I treadled with both feet so I could switch the supplemental warp.  I tried 6 picks for each supplemental shaft and 8 picks.  I still have to finish the second scarf (used 8 picks for that one) so I'll have to see how that compares.

The supplemental yarn is Lion Brand Trellis, a ladder yarn.  I couldn't figure out how to include this yarn in the project since Lion Brand is not in the Manufacturers database.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit