Weaving with sticky handspun wool warp
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Hi, I'm new to the Handspun Handwoven Group.
Hi, I'm new to the Handspun Handwoven Group.
A step above just using handspun in your weaving......Get 5 of your friends to join you and parti
Here are photos of my fresh-off-the-loom rugs. Warp is commercial cotton, weft handspun, hand dy
Hi, I am new to this list and I try to find a group that matches my personal interests.
Hi, I'm Kristin.
I just plied my third skein! I intend on using it in my weaving as warp.
I finally took the plunge and am weaving a scarf with my handspun. The warp has 2 different yarn
I'm planning my first handspun/handwoven project -- a scarf. And it's for an assignment from my
Where do you get your weaving fleece?
I am an experienced weaver, but a new spinner. I'd appreciate your input on weaving with handspu
Hi all. I still have skeins of handspun wool yarn, waiting patiently to be used to create someth
Welcome back after an unexpected absence!