Oh my... I've been putting this off for some time:

I wove a beautiful fabric with a variety of grape and lime yarns -- some of these yarns were chenille.  After taking a Daryl jacket class, I used the handwoven fabric to create a great jacket.  The first time I wore it everything was fine... THEN... when I took it off the 2nd time I noticed lots of loops, mainly under the arms and along the sides.  I thought I had caught it on something.  When I took it to our guild, someone said, "Oh, its wormed!"  Well... now I know what happened, but I don't know how to fix it now that its all sew up into a great jacket that fits perfectly... but has wormed! 

Any possible solutions would be greatly appreciated! I've thought about trying to work the loops back into the fabric, but I'm afraid they'll just worm out again.  I've though about pulling out those yarns, but I'm worried the fabric will look strange. 

Thanks for listening to me vent.



Su Butler

HI Suzy.....what is your weave structure and sett in the areas the yarn wormed??

And did you apply a fusible interfacing to the backside of the fabric??


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