Just posted a short essay about weaving and patience to my blog





NancyD (not verified)

 Thanks for the encouraging message. I will no longer hang my head in shame if I decide to just cut it off the loom and throw it away.

naturalfibres (not verified)

I, too, get the comment "you must have so much patience", to which I agree, but I really don't.  As soon as I start weaving, I'm impatient to get that wrap done, so that I can start the next one!

I really don't see the connection between weaving and having patience - I like weaving so I do what needs to be done so that I can weave. 

I think you really only need patience if you are doing something you don't like - for instance, if I took up quilting I know that I would need a lot of patience as I'm not interested in quilting. (there's nothing wrong with quilting, it just doesn't appeal to me)

JoAnnaWeaves (not verified)

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm still a new weaver and it's encouraging to know that I'm not a failure if I cut a whole warp off. What I'm learning to remember is that the most important thing (for me, as a hobby weaver) is to enjoy the process of making cloth. If anything hinders that enjoyment to the extent that I stay away from the loom for days, I need to reconsider the project or at least the part that is driving me away. Also, I'm a BEGINNER! :) I have to remind myself of that too.