Hi all!  I am Kathy from Michigan.  I am about to become a backstrap weaver.  I am so excited.

(This paragraph is a cross-post from the small looms forum. Sorry, if you are a member there too.  I forgot there was a specific forum for backstrap weaving!)  I am taking a class  with Abby Franquemont (www.abbysyarns.com) this weekend at The Spinning Loft (www.thespinningloft.com) in Howell, MI. Abby is a master weaver and spinner who grew up in South America.  It is an intense class, Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, but I know I am going to learn so much.  I have taught natural dyeing classes at The Spinning Loft.  It is a great place.  Unfortunately, my camera is in Europe with my daughter, but Beth usually posts lots of photos on her Spinning Loft blog, www. threesheeps.blogspot.com.

I also weave on my Baby Wolf, Norwood 40", inkle loom, weavettes and homemade frame looms.  I spin (spindle and wheel), dye (chemical and natural), knit and sew too.

Off to check out all the great information on this forum so I have lots of background and questions for class! 


bolivian warmi

Hi Kathkol,

Welcome to the group! How fortunate you are to be studying with Abby Franquemont. I have been reading about her father(?) Ed Franquemont ever since I got into backstrap weaving 14 years ago here in Bolivia. He is legendary.

We look forward to many contributions from you here after you have completed your workshop.
