I get some traffic from other's blogs. That is nice, but ... if the visitor has used auto-translation, it will stick, and continue trying to translate from the "starting language". This sometimes leads to the most strange ... wordings.
Here are a couple of examples. Go visit Utsikt från vävstugan, and use the translator provided to get it into English. The page then gets a header where you can elect to see the original - but you don't do that, as you are not good in Swedish. Then click on the weavo link, about a quarter down under "interesting websites". If you let it open in the same window, you still have the extra header - but asking it to show "Original" will take you back to Utsikt... in Swedish. If you ask it to open in a new window, the header is gone (but you will be asked to log in - don't bother). I chose to look at the chat-thread Warp and lease sticks, should they be treated with finish?. There I can read this (a bit down):
" lease and inserted warp
The warp is inserted Especially Should not be finished. It would make Them too slippery. When you put Them on the warp on the beam, you do not want Them to slip out of place.
The lease sticks cancer Easily slide sidways and slip to the side of the warp, Which is annoying. So, They do not need to ask any more slippery than a smooth, sanded, unfinished surface Goodwill husband Them. Joanne"
(I suppose an unfinished Goodwill husband can be a good thing, even if I don't know how to recognize one - .)
If I come to that same thread from my ordinary (non-translated) end, this same entry reads:
"lease and warp sticks
The warp sticks especially should not be finished. It would make them too slippery. When you put them on the warp on the beam, you do not want them to slip out of place.
The lease sticks can easily slide sidways and slip to the side of the warp, which is annoying. So, they do not need to be any more slippery than a smooth, sanded, unfinished surface will make them. Joanne"
which makes it more understandable... and no husbands in sight, Goodwill ones or not.
I know my English isn't as good as it could be, but it bothers me that I have no way of turning off the translation when ppl come to my blog (or website, for that matter) - . Now they will se, for instance, this:
"The seat is triangular, slightly Concave and padded. The height is adjustable. And the best: it rocks! I can lean over a bit, and it Lean with me. Unfortunately, it can not be distressed with the AVL, as the foot rest is too low (or the speed stool to sit too father back)"
instead of this:
"The seat is triangular, slightly concave and padded. The height is adjustable. And the best: it rocks!!! I can lean over a bit, and it leans with me. Unfortunately, it can't be used with the AVL, as the foot rest is too low (or the stool has to sit too far back)"
The difference may not be too big, and it may be good that my stool will not be distressed while speeding... but it annoys me!
And the darned thing stays for ever, as long as you are linking on through blogger, at least - and it will go on trying translating from the *original* language (in this case Swedish). I've tried specifying English as the language of the blog, to no avail.
I have tried all kinds of help questions on google, but can't find a way to turn it off. Any tips?
(It seems the translator is "lost" in Weavo - clicking out from here I *think* I'm getting the original texts.)
(Just for the record: web translation is great, IN PRINCIPLE. Also, let no shadow fall on Birgitta at Utsikt..., I just used her blog as an example. It works exactly the same if starting with a blog in English, using translate to (say) Swedish, and clicking on to blogs/sites in Swedish... they often turn into complete gibberish)