I have a Spanish Walking Loom that I weave rugs on.  The reed in it is 8epi.  So far I have been weaving rag rugs and other things at that set.  What my question is, if I want a set of 12 epi and I dent it 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 how will that affect the look.  I have been turning out some great rag rugs so far.  Thanks


Bonnie Datta (not verified)

In a firmly woven rag rug the warp bites into the weft as you weave, so the irregular spacing of the warps will likely remain even after washing.




I guess that could be okay as long as it is consistant.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

A small sample before you begin the rug will go a long way to help you see what the final results will look like.  I usually allow an extra 12-18" in all my warps to be able to make a sample.  I have all the samples I have woven and in some cases have been able to refer back to previous attempts at weaving with yarns and rags that didn't work very well.


Bonnie Datta (not verified)

I quite often use irregular denting to accentuate the pattern in the weaving.  So for these rag rugs, presumably woven in plain weave, you might find that a denting of 303030... has a more regular and symmetrical texture than 121212...

If I plan to weave twill, then a denting that I often use is 220220...

I do this not because I don't have a wide selection of reeds and could therefore find one that would enable regular denting -- but rather because I like the textural effect.

Sampling is the best way to find what you like best with any given threading/treadling structure.




I'll give that a try on my next rug.  Thanks for the help.