Can you believe it, another month come and gone. Time for a new check in thread. Everyone is being so productive, keep up the good work. Weave on! Tina



ReedGuy, good luck with the threading, lots of ends, not so simple looking pattern! It's going to be beautiful. peacock blue:) That sure was a lot of hiking ! Put in all day yesterday doing tapestry, didn't do the other stuff, will do tapestry today too, seems I'm on a roll:)


Yes the pattern repeats every 40 ends. But there will be some fancy foot work for sure. :)

Monica Bellas (not verified)

Finished beaming the loom yesterday for hand towels, and managed to get one woven already.  Four more to go, and I need to start planning my next project!

loomyladi (not verified)

I just spent a delightful three days at a conference. A new member to the Board of Directors is a weaver and we found LOTS to discuss. It turns out that there were 4 weavers at this little conference! What a treat! Considering that there were only 50 registrants that was great!

sally orgren

FYI, I am now weaving. Finally. But you know how it goes. It take a bit to figure out the best tie-up and treadling order, and figure out where you are likely to make your mistakes before you *really* get into the rhythm of it. 


Good luck Sally! It's going to look fantastic! Those Peeps looks awful good:) Monica, you're a speed weaver, good for you! Today I will work on on the Tea Towels, have one done get to change colors , yay! Also on the tapestry. Will definately get the tap. Done by the end of the month.

sally orgren

Ok. I have woven almost a yard today. But the frustrating part was redoing the treadle tie up 4 times. I *finally* came up with a tie up that prevents me (mostly) from making errors so I can get a rhythm going. The trick was to use resting treadles as a way for my feet to feel between treadling pattern groups. I am using three shuttles. And I finally broke down and bought "ruler tape" to track my yardage progress.


Sally, this looks so cool already! How many yards do you have to weave?


Yes I use a tape ruler as well when I weave. Always checking length. Although I weave 8" pretty consistantly per advance. I'm sure everyone gets fairly consistant after a short while. Your weaving on this piece is looking fantastic to I should say. ;)

I've got 260 ends left to thread, should finish tomorrow afternoon. Then the reed, but that should be speedy with 3 ends per dent. I'm in no hurry, but always anxious. :) I will have some neighbors in to see this current project, mainly to see my loom.




progress being reported on the various projects - great job everyone. So far no weaving for me today. I needed to finish a sewing project for a WAL / contest over on RAV. It is not pretty but it meets the challenge requirements. I ran out of time so had to rush something into production. I used materias on hand except for the webbing for the handles.

I am going to do some weaving on the dish towels this evening. Also managed to get the tapestry loom rewarped and a few rows woven on that project.

sally orgren

(Not sure I made this part clear!) Only 3.5 yards, because it is primarily for a sample exchange, and I plan to make some pillow fronts from the rest.


Monica Bellas (not verified)

Wow -- look at all the progress everyone is making.  No weaving for me today (so far); my daughter stopped in this afternoon for a visit, so I've spent my time chatting with her.  But I'm sure to get in at least a half hour tonight to finish the third towel.


Still has a scale on it. Sticky, cloth, steel, all the same. :D


Accuracy in measurement while under tension, how do you do it? I always have to measure while no tension, so unroll and mark a yd, then mark the next yard etc.. I know unrolling isn't so hot for the cloth but i'm very good at rolling it back up:) I find there's a big difference( several inches) from under tension and non tension. Today, I have a sore wrist. Did a lot this weekend. Will still work on the Tea Towels today, about 1 hr. then some hand sewing, on the back of tapestries, I'm working on 7, but I'm starting to sound like a broken record! Oh yes, time to start my Drafting homework, this month Overshot! It's been a long time since I studied that, fun:)


I plan so much for tension as I would for shrinkage, amounts to the same thing. What happens to your width when the warp is cut, or draw in? ;) And I'm still practicing at this as I'm just a novice. Although I understand weaving, there is still a lot to gain experience with and explore further. I don't pretend to be an expert weaver or a Yoda.

"The tension Luke, be with one with the tension."  LOL ;)

You do realize when you talk weaving, anyone in the side lines would think it's science fiction written by Gene Roddenberry. shuttles, warps, heddles.... :D


up Scotty and keep the tension even! I think we could probably write a whole Star Trek episode with weaving terminology and it would make perfect sense!


I need to warp my head around that one:) groan.....


Today I am still recovering from an exhausting 3 day workshop with Bonnie Tarses.  We had a great time and learned so much.  We didnt get much weaving done on our color horoscope scarves, but no one is complaining about that.  All the other exercises that we did at the workshop were worth it.  Everyone's horoscope draft was different, but each one is beautiful.

loomyladi (not verified)

Sounds intriguing!  I love the way it looks Sally.    I've had a great couple of days, 2 years ago I was asked if I could make a "slight" modification to a scarf that I had on the loom....."Sure, no problem...."  well since it is finally off the loom I'm thinking it just wasnt a smart thing to promise.  Lesson learned, no commission work for me.  I swapped out 24 threads for another color, so there was this labrynth of weighted spools hanging off the back of the loom.  The darn thing just didn't weave well at all and I was super frustrated and aggrevated.  The good news is, the troublesome scarf is finished, the original warp threads returned AND I have completed another scarf. 

sally orgren

Yep. I am. I was fiddling with the drafting software and believe I discovered a mistake. Not evident when weaving, but will likely show up when wet finished! So once I unweave, re-tie the treadles (fifth time), it *should* weave off fast. Gee, I've had a lot of practice, anyway! (Gotta unweave at least some of this to save one of the weft yarns I don't have in massive quantities.) Sigh.


Sally that you are unweaving - I guess the bright side is you caught the mistake now and not after the projects was off the loom and wet finished and you have to start all over again! Was totally lazy last night and the only weaving I did was looking at the loom while I vegged in front of the TV. There will be weaving this evening, I need to get these towels done and the RH warped. Keep on weaving everyone!


Yesterday, I was in the middle of shuttling the folks off to the bus stop for a trip and had to run other erands, so soon 4 O'clock arrived. Never got the threading down as a result. However, the heddles are threaded now. And after lunch will begin to sleigh the reed.

loomyladi (not verified)

Back when I was proactive and warped 10 scarves I was thinking of all the time I was I'm wondering why?????? Its a huck lace pattern so there is not alot of variation to be had. Only 7 more scarves (76" long) to go!

loomyladi (not verified)

Back when I was proactive and warped 10 scarves I was thinking of all the time I was I'm wondering why?????? Its a huck lace pattern so there is not alot of variation to be had. Only 7 more scarves (76" long) to go!


Well, it is what it is I suppose. Maybe you didn't need 10 scarves of Huck. :D

I'm making this bedspread, it's a whack of ends, but I'm only making one. In no rush, but then on to something else. Two table cloths next, both different threading, different tie-up and different warp colors. ;)

sally orgren

to weave off if you played with different weft colors? (Or maybe you are already doing that?)

carla rollins (not verified)

wow again.  Your energy amazes me.


towel number two and start on towel number three last night - I changed from herringbone to goose eye and need to adjust my beat - I think I need ot beat a bit harder with the goose eye - they are more rectangular than square but. . . Am also playing around with weft stripes on this one. weave on!


 Last night I took my first project off the loom and to my surprise My first project is not perfect  ;}he he (whats that about ????)  Really not a surprise at all.  It started nice and loose and ended up much tighter then I started it . I realize this is a beginners problem and every project for a beginner i is a true learning experience.  Next scarf will be better I hope.  its not tottaly trashed but not as good As I would have liked it...but I will keep on trying.   


have you wet finished the scarf yet - some of the looseness vs tightness might even out once the piece is wet finished. In the meantime - congrats on finishing your project - looking forward to many more to come!


Everyone has been busy! Sally sorry you're unweaving, you're probably done by now though and flying along, I hope so!

Same projects here. You can probably guess what they are! I have my 3 stations set up, so I can move from one weaving area to the next and put in a full day.

After the tea towels, I'm looking forward to doing some Network twill, which I haven't done before.



I am sort of relieved to read others are unweaving and re-threading, etc. There seems to be some sort of weird bug going around making that happen! Ha! I may someday get this tablerunner complete! I am unweaving and trying to find the place where it went all wrong. Frustrating, I think I can start again but its not the right spot. It looks really fine when each shot is in the right place! Loomlady, I love huck but 10 scarves is quite a long time to hold interest in it, you are very intrepid.


I've got the reed threaded and the yarn tied onto the cloth rod, and adjusted tension here and there. Now to tie-up. :) Still have to put my cord through the warp down by the tie-on before beginning the weave, makes the ends all even.

phew!! ;)


I kind of lucked out. I just brought home from my brother an old Kenmore sewing machine that was sold from Sears with a type of table. I beleive it's a heavcy duty machine. No manual. However, I went online and snaged the manual for $6 and printed it off. I'm going to go over the machine and see if everything is in tact and working. It should be because my grandmother took care of stuff. Also, I found that they still sell parts for them online. I think this thing said 25 year warrantee on a sticker, so it must be a good machine. Anyway, if your gonna weave, you have to do some sewing I guess. :)


Looking Great ReedGuy! As Sally says "all those threads no tangles" makes my heart sings! The old metal sewing machines, can't beat them! Had a third hand Elna for years, and now a Viking for 30. I wouldn't trade them in for anything fancy, they suit my needs perfectly and they're workhorses!good luck with yours!

Got tons done yesterday. lots of meetings today, but will still work on weaving this p.m. Starting to think of my next flower for April!


Finally finished the dimity scarves and am happy with the results.  Photos to follow. I've tied on to the warp in front and have all the knots pulled through the reed and heddles. Thank Goodness it is a short warp! Tangling a bit, I always remember why I like back to front warping. It should be different, the twill stripes will be have more texture this time. 

Driven back inside too cold and snowing to weave in the studio/ shed. Made contact with a new fiber guild here locally. Took three spinning wheels for the new students to try. Thrilled I don't have to drive 40 min. to meet with other fiber enthusiasts. 


Has anyone here who weaves gotten a wrist gaglion (not sure about the spelling ) from weaving ?  its a nerve lump on the inside of the wrist. I have never had one before I started weaving ??   It is not painful but I noticed it yesterday evening.  Going to make a Doc.s appointment next see if that is what it actually is. Hope this will not keep me from weaving for to long.... DANG!!!


years - it flares up every once in a while, especially when I am doing lots of computer work. Have never noticed it ith weaving but. . . like carpal tunnel repetitious movements can irrate it.


Began weaving the bedspread this afternoon. I'll probably be done weaving tomorrow if I get ambitious. :)


Weavejoyforall, I have heard about what you have but I'm not a doc so really can't comment on your condition only my own. However, I can tell you I really injured my left wrist doing tapestry last year and it put me out for over 5 months of any kind of hand work, plus 2 months of physical therapy and near surgery. So, take it easy! I was really pushing myself getting ready for any exhibit and actually tore cartilage. Learned my lesson. Listen to your body! So You're smart to see your Doc, it sounds like you've caught it early! As Tina says she's had one for years!

ReedGuy, Can't wait to see your project! also can't  believe you'd be finished tomnorrow? Speed Racer:)


Here are the photos of the Dimity scarves, these can be woven on 4 or 8 I used 8 shafts. More at:


I have the next one tied on and through the reed and heddles in a yellow version. I'm using bulkier yarn for the twill stripes.

sally orgren

Inky and I were traveling this week, so I had no floor loom access.

Today, I tried to make up for lost time from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. I unwove nearly all the architectural warp (more than 24") and started to weave forward again.

Arghhh! A mistake... (still!) In the threading? Nope. Must be in the treadling or tie up...Arghhh! Once I figured out the exact location of the error, I realized one of the treadle chains didn't get connected to one of the shafts in my latest tie up change.

So after unweaving another 3" of "fresh" weaving, now, FINALLY, I am ready to go forward. 


Sally - altough you were floor loom deprived at least you had Inky to keep you company.


How Miserable Sally! I'm trying to imagine unweaving with three shuttles, oh man! Well the good news it's Sunday, and hopefully you'll have time today for your weaving and what I imagine as your dancing feet! Good luck, it's going to be beautiful! ReedGuy, what's this I hear on the projects page , you're done weaving the bedspread? Wow! Adding twill to it sounds really nice, a border? I will finish the Pansies today, yay! Will post pix. If only the weather would turn nice for all of us so we could plant some, or in my case look at my neighbors:)


Border yes. I'm new to sewing, so I need some practice. :)

I got the old sewing machine (grandmother's Kenmore) up and running yesterday. Oiled up the moving parts. Wound a bobbin on it (took some head stratching there to engage it). Worked like new. Now to weave that border. :)


Pansies moved from my loom to the projects page:)


towel number four of this set - then off the loom and ready to hem and wash.

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