Thank you Sally for the reminder. I have been swamped at work and at home and it finally dawned on me that it was December.  Everyone, as usual, is busy busy around here! I look forward t seing everyone's projects and Tien, I think I put on 5 pounds just lloking at the photos of your chocolates. Keep up the good work. And so not to miss anyone - I will wish you all a Happy and heathy holiday season. Weave on!



There are some fine weaving projects being posted this month on many project pages. It's nice to be able to see them now on the dashboard. ;)


Begin my experimenting with quilted cloth today. The first round is using stuffer warp for both pattern and wadding along with stitching the layers. :)


Have just received word that the college has approved a satellite weaving program here in Prince George, BC.  More info:

Erica J

That is great news Laura! I am still have the Olds program on my radar after my Certificate of Achievement submission. I think it is a wonderful opportunity for advancing the art of weaving.

My plans for break, include a bit of sight seeing, a lot of spending time with family, and finishing what projects I can while doing the first two. smile emoticon Today has been fairly successful on the family time and project advancement front. 

I hope to get a lot of weaving (and spinning) in over the next two weeks. Today I mostly focused on the Egyptian diagnoals warp and measured the strap for my taquete bag. I changed my game plan for the Egyptian diagonals. I was originally doing diamonds and then realized Oli already has some similar trim in similar colors, so I moved to the more social plan of just going one direction until the warp is ready to advance then change directions and have diamonds at the beginning of each warp advancement, so no counting involved! :)

Happy holidays everyone!


assembled.  Posted pictures here.  Or at least, one is done.  One more to sew together.  I had to do the dreaded stop in the middle to run out for more thread - you would think I would learn to check that kind of stuff before diving in.  Lucky for me Joanne's is close at hand.

tien (not verified)

Congrats, Laura, on getting the weaving satellite program approved!

I am traveling right now, visiting relatives. Since I only have six weeks to get the phoenix ready to photograph for Convergence, I brought it along. In fact, it occupies its own suitcase!

Here's a pic of all the embellishments I"m thinking of using:

phoenix with embellishments

There are metallic threads (some made with real gold!), silk embroidery floss, perle cotton embroidery floss, some 30/2 silk I dyed myself, and a ton of beads, mostly from my mother's stash. oh, and some silk ribbon.

It's going to be a fun two weeks!

Sue in VT

love those totes!  And to think, you're recycling plastic bags for weft is really awesome and fun!  I want to wish all my Daily Weaverly friends a very Merry Christmas.  I hope it is spent with those you love!❤️

sally orgren

I am very happy to have all you virtual weaving buddies for yet another year, and I want to especially thank the founders of Weavolution: Alison, Claudia, and Tien; the current owners Erica and Oliver; and all the advertisers who provide this platform for sharing and learning.


Oh yes, 2 snicker doodle cookies, that the ( adult!) kids made last night, with my morning coffee. The house is soooooo quiet, before the aromas of the day. 

Happy Hollidays, enjoy the day off whatever you do ! 

Cathie ( who went for a lovely walk yesterday , yay! )


Getting ready to start breakfast. Cinnamon rols, scrambled eggs and bacon, . . . . mmmmmmmmmmm

tien (not verified)

Aww, thanks, Sally! I'm glad that Erica and Oliver took it over and are continuing to develop it. And thanks to the advertisers who support Weavolution.

I've been experimenting with embroidery on my sample piece. Here is what I've done on the head: two crest feathers and most of a third, plus the beak and a tiny bit of the head.

phoenix head

I think I've decided I want to embroider the entire head and body, and put touches of embroidery on the tail and wings. Probably beading and metallic yarns, to add a touch of sparkle and just a little bit of detail to help bring the wings into focus.

tien (not verified)

Oh, and Merry Xmas, everyone!

Erica J

And a Happy New Year. I a  so pleased to see so many people enjoying their weaving during the holidays. 

We also thank you all for your lovely words. We are enjoying a visit from Oli's mom, but also keeping in touch with the developer. We really want 4o give you the present of an updated site soon!

I have done quite a bit of weaving already. I probably got carried away on my present, a Kromski Minstrel. We'll see how well my ankles are working tomorrow. I spun a full 100g breaking in the Minstrel today. It was so fun, it was definitely worth the consequence. 


Finished the red place mat warp.  Hoping to get a tea towel warp beamed yet today.  But means going to the studio and doing it!

Erica J

Please send me your inkle weaving juju!! It has been far too long since I did any inkle weaving and need at least 2 samples for my certificate portfolio! ;)


Got the tea towel warp dressed yesterday and just finished weaving two towels.  Time for a break, then back at it.  :)


Erica J

You all worked wonders! I finally remembered all the little ways to make warping the inkle loom easier! All warped up, but like Laura I've got to take a break.


Procrastination and accompanying lack of focus...that's what I'm blaming for the mistake in the next warp.  :(

it isn't terminal, just a pita.


Laura, you get kudos for working yesterday on Boxing Day! 


Erica J

The great thing about experience is knowing how to fix mistakes! It takes more time, but I'm sure you know an efficient way to fix it.

I didn't even touch my latest warp yesterday, so I'm still hoping there are no mistakes.


A year ago, I set a goal of putting a new warp on my loom every month.  And while I did not meet that goal, I did do a lot more weaving in 2015 than I had in 2014, and I explored new concepts through the MWS study group, and so I will consider 2015 a successful weaving year.  I am also so appreciative of all of you - you make so many interesting things, you are generous with your time and expertise, and welcoming.  This cyber community is a very friendly place - and I look forward to another great year with you all - and maybe this time 12 different warps in 12 months!

Erica J

I wove so  much in 2015 that Facebook reminded me a year ago I was winding a warp and it took me some time to remember what exactly I had done with that warp! I look forward to doing a few more studies from Mastering Weave Structures. ;)

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