
Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

This is a very pretty use of advancing points in both threading and treadling, with an unbalanced tie-up to give a different look on each face of the cloth. Your threading is also great with many other treadling sequences. It is similar to the threading I used in articles for WeaveZine.I hope you have a long warp!

This looks like a lovely silk. Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie Inouye


I love the subtle shading effect the twill gives.

tisserande (not verified)

thank you for your comments Bonnie and Endorph.  It was interesting to weave and I love how it's turned out.  No, I didn't have a long warp on - I needed a break from long warps (baby wraps) and it was great to have a quick project.  I will certainly try it again with different colours and will see if I can make it work with another treadling.


Oh My! Tisserande, this is stunning!

Michael White

Your Muga silk scarf is gorgrous ! I know we had a few issues getting this silk to you in France. But after seeing what you did with it; I guess it was worth the wait.The face on the chair(?) set inside of scarf is great.


SallyE (not verified)

I love the colors and the weaving design!


tisserande (not verified)

Thank you both for your comments.  Yes, it was certainly worth the wait, it is a lovely yarn and I have sold the scarf already!! The carved head on the photo is an African mask!

Kate in Scotland

Fantastic, Tisserande! An inspiration!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I am using some lovely golden Muga silk yarn which I bought from Michael here on Weavolution

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit