
Peg.Cherre (not verified)

I'm not a rug weaver or a rep weaver, but your new rug is Gorgeous!  Is your weft yarn or cloth strips?


This rug makes me want to make a rep weave rug too.  I have just the place for one.  I also would like to know what you used for weft.

RepWeaver (not verified)

Hi, Peg and Kariska I appreciate your kind comments. My thick weft is rag. Somehow the weft info was lost in posting. Please do consider weaving Rep. Great fun, great results are both sure to follow. RepWeaver

sally orgren

Did I say it was a WOW?

And HOW!

Ever consider entering this project in one of the national/international juried shows coming up, like Complex Weavers or Convergence? This is the kind of project I would love to view in person when I attend conferences. Thank you so much for posting, and I hope I get to see it in person at some point in the future!

RepWeaver (not verified)

Sally, you are so kind. Thanks for the encouragement which means an awful lot to me. I admit to being particularly happy with the rugs from this warp. I'll post a few more photos when I finish hemming which could be a while since they seem to me to deserve hand hemming. Maybe some day you will see this rug in person. Thank you for commenting. RepWeaver


That's a beautiful rug! I love the design and the colors. Makes me want to do another rep rug.

RepWeaver (not verified)

Thank you, Karen and Cathie, for your kind comments. Positive feedback from fellow weavers is extra special. I truly appreciate it.


cottageweaver (not verified)

Beautiful rugs! I'm just threading a red and white rep rug on the Glimakra, so your post is perfect timing for inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

RepWeaver (not verified)

Thanks, Cottageweaver. Red is my favorite color and I look forward to seeing pictures of your rep rug. Happy weaving! RepWeaver

Not2Cool2BBlue (not verified)

I am new to this site so I am enjoying viewing all the talent!

rosearbor (not verified)

Sally beat me to all the WOWs in the dictionary.  This is just wonderful!  I only made one rep rug before selling my larger loom when downsizing for the condo.  It was great fun.  I love the pattern and the colors, and I really appreciate the detailed photos!

RepWeaver (not verified)

Welcome to the site. Have fun surfing. RepWeaver


Absolutely spectacular and stunning rug, RW.  Wonderful design and superb craftmanship. Thanks for the close-up...the subtle color variations are sublime.  Sally is right...this is a prize winner! Congratulations!

RepWeaver (not verified)

Thanks, Bearish, Andy and RoseArbor! Your kind comments mean a lot to me, especially coming from fellow weavers. RepWeaver

miryam-chavah (not verified)

so so elagent :)

tomrsey (not verified)

That is a GREAT rug.   Both colors and design are just....well....WOW!  Love it!!

RepWeaver (not verified)

Thanks, Miryam-Chavah and Tomrsey for your kind comments.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I'm finally weaving again. This warp was for a Rep Rug to replace the old one by our front door. The one in the background on photo #2 is 13 years old and is adapted from a design in Laila Lundell's book "Rep Weaves". That book has long been a favorite with me. And the rug has been a favorite and is still in good shape, all things considered, just a bit dingy, though.

In the foreground of photo #2 you see the first rug which I cut off in order to check the design before weaving the longer one for this spot. The new rug is from profile draft #203 in "The Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-Weaving" by Mary Meigs Atwater.

In the background of photo #3 you see the reverse side of the first rug off this warp. Both sides make me happy.

See more on my blog:

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit