
sally orgren

Leslie, you are one of the few folks I see who are making beautiful patterns that make visual sense, instead of overall pixelations. You are taking it to the next level. Do you get 4 scarves out of 9 yards?

(Can't wait to see this in person!!!)

Leslie M (not verified)

Thanks, Sally! For some reason my comments didn't print, but this is the same threading as the "network echo fabric" posted earlier except I reversed it in the middle to get the diamond/cross. The color is much more vibrant in reality and the under side I think is going to be even more striking. I seem to be into "what else can I do with this threading".

r1mein54 (not verified)

Nice pattern, looks like something old - victorian.

fairhavenweaver (not verified)

Wow, I'd love to see the color interactions in person. I love the symmetry of the pattern and the scale of the design. Just lovely.



Ellen (not verified)

That is just awesome! 

Leslie M (not verified)

Thank you everyone! It is fascinating to weave too. In answer to Sally's question about how many scarves will I get out of 9yds, probably 3. Depends on how the design developes. This one is square (8 3/8 x 8 1/2) or 48 epi by 48ppi. and will be about 62 inches on the loom plus fringe.

sally orgren

This photo doesn't do the piece justice. It has a richness in color, shimmer, and iridescence that is hard to capture. (I hope Leslie enters this in the upcoming Blue Ridge show!)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit