
naturalfibres (not verified)

I'm sure that it will be cherished forever.

sally orgren


I don't know how long you have been weaving, but you certainly "get it" and must be surrounded by great teachers and a great guild! I hope you continue to post your projects.

This project was *spectacular*, and thank you for posting the draft, too! (Have you thought about entering this in some national competitions so others get a chance to see the piece in real life?)


I am speechless, this is just great!

Sharon Carey

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hey Thor,

So glad you came to the Weavolution Meetup at MSWF today!  What an amazing project and only your second weaving project ever!

BTW, you are taller in person! : )


SunriseLodgeFi… (not verified)

Beautiful!  And fabulous choice in scripture!:) 



What a great banner - this will be cherished, I'm sure.  Wonderful work.


This is a true inspiration!




What a lovely banner!  I'm entranced with doubleweave pickup after working through Jennifer Moore's book and DVD, isn't she wonderful?

I have a question and you might be just the person to answer it.  I'm planning a doubleweave stole for a deacon.  I'm planning on using a multi-colored warp for one layer as you did but white for the other side. 

I'm planning on picking up the stole embellishments and I've been considering whether to use the white as weft on both sides or should I use the different colors in the layer?  I'm afraid it will give it a squared gamp look instead of the flow of colors as in a rainbow.  But also concerned if I use only the white as a weft it will detract from the colors as well.

Do you have any pictures of the banner back from close up to farther back to see how the eye sees it from a distance?

I plan on sampling, but haven't moved it from planning to action stage simply because I already have a 9 yard warp on and one more before that.  Thought I'd ask you and add that into the planning mix.

A really beautiful banner for such a great occasion! 

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While doing my Basic Weaving Class in March 2011, at The Fold in Marengo, IL with instructor Rita Hagenbruch, I was asked what I wanted to do for my second weaving project.  So I pulled out a copy of HandWoven magazine and said, "I want to do a banner based on these Prayer Flags".  The learning curve was steep... but I got it done!

This is a banner that I wove in single thread Doubleweave Pick-Up to commemorate my grand-nephew's Dedication on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at the Radford SDA Church, Radford, VA.

The saying is from Proverbs and Benjamin's grandmother helped in the selection of the quote. Design, layout and color selection were done by my partner, Andrew.

The design was based on the Prayer Flags done by Linda Arndt of the Woodstock Weaver's Guild as published in HandWoven magazine (Jan/Feb 2011, Issue 153, Pages 50-51). 

I relied heavily on Jennifer Moore's book "Doubleweave" from Interweave Press and her very clear DVD instructions on Doubleweave and Doubleweave Pick Up techniques.  She is an excellent teacher... Highly recommend!

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