
claudia (not verified)

Just beautiful!  When I grow up I want to learn to weave like you or at least use up my stash trying. 


Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Thanks a bunch you two!

Claudia, I aspire to have your patience and perseverance!  The weaving world is a better place thanks to the time and effort you have put into making this site what it is.  Do you ever sleep?  Or do you have a clone?  All kidding aside, your kind and helpful presence has played a huge role in bringing us together here -- THANK YOU.


kbird (not verified)

ohhhhhhh!!!  I love the colors!!

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

The weave structure is responsible for the color mixes.  Each block in the threading is two colors, alternating.  Then the 24 different treadling sequences use two colors each as well.  (There is also a much thinner binder weft, so the weave requires 3 shuttles in all.)

I call this 24-block crackle because I derived the threading and treadling sequences after studying Zielinski's crackle book.  Here is a more subtle piece, that has just two colors in the warp (alternating), and just two colors in the weft.  The blending acheived by the structure produces 24 different combinations that sprinkle here-and-there on the fabric.


weave2 (not verified)

Your throws are beautiful, especially the last one, in some of my favorite colors.

TinaHilton (not verified)

Beautiful!  I love seeing different projects on Weavolution's home page.  And I'm glad it's not just the new ones so I can see that ones that are a few months old too.

msvos (not verified)

I'm a beginning weaver, and you inspire me!


missbeckyohh43 (not verified)

WOW!!  I had to really study this out to understand what you did!!  ..... (still trying to wrap my brain around this as I am such a newbie.... but I think I get it.)    As Pooh says, "think, think, think". 


These throws are beautiful.  Like the others, I'm inspired by them.  The colors are awesome.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

These are threaded in 8-block crackle.  The treadling uses 24 different sequences (blocks).  The warp colors are six very pure and intense hues, while the weft colors are muted shades of burgundy, slate, rose, and so on.  I was just using up a bunch of lopi that I had on hand, so there were some 15 different shades to play with.  From a 14-yard warp I got 6 throws.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit