
sally orgren

And please post a finished photo, too! 

Where did you learn the technique? From a book, guildmate, or other source? It's fantastic to see this kind of weaving, as it seems under-represented in the mainstream weaving publications here in America. (Or maybe a lot of weavers just never try it?) It's certainly on my to-do list now! 

Ellen (not verified)

So did you finish them? They look quite elegant, and more "interesting" than the leno, but nice to see something a llittle "different." Must admit that the turned twill scarves are the ones I like the best, -  such exquisite colours!!! ;-)

dorothystewart (not verified)

 Hi Sally - I learnt the technique at a workshop and also in Betty davenports book on rigid heddle weaving.

It is very easy to do and works up quickly !

I have enough for two on the loom so no finished pictures yet but I won't forget !



dorothystewart (not verified)

Ellen - I know you are on holiday ! No I haven't done the second one yet but hopefully next week when I am at Crail for the golf !


mltrantham3 (not verified)

Beautiful!  Was this woven on a floor loom?  Love the lacy look.

dorothystewart (not verified)

Hi there - the scarves are woven on my Ashford 20" Knitters Loom. 

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 I prefer brooks Bouquet to leno.

On this scarf I did 5 rows of plain weave between the 'bouquets'

Makes a cheap summery scarf !

Project Status
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