
naturalfibres (not verified)

You had what my college weaving instructor would call "a learning experience".  Your towels look nice, even though they aren't Log Cabin.

Your threading does look correct and you are right in thinking that you need to alternate the weft colours, just like you did in the warp.  Then you will get the log cabin effect.

pegofmyheart (not verified)

Thank you for your compliment, and for your directions.  I figured it out too.  I'm still tickled that I was able to figure it out.  I think there is a large learning curve to weaving, but I'm enjoying it.  Wish I had an instructor to refer to now and again.  Where did you go to college at?  I work for Utah State University and would love it if they had a program here.

claudia (not verified)

The best learning experience is the one where you teach yourself. 

As for weaving teachers, we are all here for you.  If you cannot get what you need in the Rigid heddlers group, which I try to monitor frequently, try posting your questions and concerns in the main "Weaving" forum.  Lots more folks read that one and that is where I went with my log cabin disaster.  Su Butler gave me great assistance and created a computer generated draft which allowed me to see and study my plan.

Nice towels Peg. 

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder

jenadina (not verified)

I actually really, really love your "mistake" and am going to make something like that one of these days! Thanks for the inspiration!

mariawasowski (not verified)

I really like the first towel as well as the second. It looks like there's an optical illusion going on making it look dimensional.

francorios (not verified)

I just saw this project. Your mistake looks neat. I might try that on purpose.

Have a good day!

prairiegirl (not verified)

It might not be log cabin, but I love the effect! I'm going to try it soon myself, I think (log cabin and your derivative- I'm new to weaving myself so I have lots of "firsts" to expiriment with).

Finished Length Unit
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Log Cabin Weaving

This is my 3rd weaving experience.  I'm trying to do the log cabin pattern and I guess I didn't read the draft right.  I believe
the warp is correct, but the weaving is what I have done wrong. I think I need to alternate the weave colors.  The warp is long enough for 2 towels so the next towel will have a different pattern......maybe even the real Log Cabin pattern.  Here's crossing my fingers.

I'm so excited!!!!!  It worked!  The weft is alternating the colors to produce the log cabin effect. 


Project Status
Sett Unit
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