
sandeleh (not verified)

Now that you have had time to use the rug warp towels, how do you like them?  Are they very absorbant?  I have some rug warp (unfortunately all in white) and have thought about using it for towels, but it seems a bit hard-twist and I wonder about it's absorbancy.   I doubt I will be doing much more rug weaving - all the loops and selvages I like to weave are far away from me and the shipping cost is just too high.

Sande in Fresno, CA

tnsinko (not verified)

Hi Sandi! 

thanks for be honest, it's just the warp that is rug-warp.  i may have run some of the leftover stuff in the weft, but mostly used cotton.  As i said in the write-up, this is all stuff that was given to me, and i am brand new at the weaving! 

far as i can tell, they are stout, but absorbent.  I have done a lot of civil war reenacting, and this cloth acts like the heavy cotton they use for all sorts of stuff.  i hope this helps!  it really is pretty color-wise, and i did wash them with good results.  don't know how they'll hold up to heavy useage.  guess i'll have to wait and see! 

I'm moving on to a wool warp now:  commercial two ply...i'm hoping to get a handle on how it behaves!  I have handspun that i am hoping to use for both weft and warp, and didn't want to be 'surprised' with the real stuff! 


Linda in Kingsport TN (NE corner of the state!)

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used rug warp i was given, made stripes, used rug warp, cottolin, cotton etc for the weft.  multiple stripes, checks, etc.   just learning to use the Glimakra!   LOVED the results!  need to work on the edges, but still, for  a first project on a big loom, VERY PLEASED>

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