
TinaHilton (not verified)

This is beautiful.  I want to weave a stole for my pastor, but keep getting hung up on the pattern.  I could only think of weaving fabric with some kind of religious symbol in it, but I can see that's not really necessary. 


I love the colors.  Wish I could see the detail better, but it looks fabulous even in the thumbnail.  It was a great use for the Oelsner draft.

ozweaver (not verified)

Thank you, Beryl!  I do love looking through the drafts in the Oelsner book!



ozweaver (not verified)

Actually, this pattern (which is very subtle) is made up of crosses.  I think as long as there is some symbolism to you, the weaver, or to the minister who will wear it, that should fill the bill!  Have you considered Theo Moorman technique which would allow you to weave some very obvious symbols?  Good luck!



I love your stole, and want to make at least one for my son and for his wife. He has specified that he wants his to be "substantial". In other words, he wants it to have some weight so it does not flip around a lot. Do you have any suggestions? I've been considering a double weave or perhaps using an iron-on stabilizer on the back that would be covered by a lining. I'm open for suggestions.

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the warp is a handpainted 10/2 tencel from Heritage Yarns in Missouri.  I added one and two threads of solid color tencel between each handpainted warp thread, shading from dark blues and greens at the borders, to medium values of blues and greens, with gold in the center.  I used a weft of medium vlue green tencel for the weft.  The fabric has a medium sturdy hand which makes a nice fabric for the stole.

The stole is two lengths that are 54" long, with a mitred join for the back and twisted, plied fringes for the front.

There was enough warp for an extra length of fabric which I made into a scarf.  It has a much softer drape because I used 28/2 merino doubles for the weft.

Number of Shafts
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