After i wasted valuable workshop time untangling the yarn mess, I wanted to rewind my straw bobbin so that I could finish my yellow sample. I didn't bring my own bobbin winder to the workshop- this is what happened when I tried ALL of the bobbins winders that others brought.  Straw did not fit onto bobbin winder, it was the same diameter at the winder. (insert sound of palm smacking forehead here)   I wound bobbin by hand.


lkautio (not verified)

Sounds like you had all sorts of fun! Hope the rest of the workshop went better.  I know you won't ever need this <g> but there are some on the hoof solutions.  If you have a knife you can run a slit up the side of the straw and make that bad boy fit any winder.  Or use a paper pirn instead (cut an oval of paper and wrap it tightly onto the spindle).  


Laurie Autio


carry scotch tape, an index card and some toothpicks

make the index card into a cone that fits off the spindle

Tape in place on end of spindle

put pirn onto this contraption and use toothpick to shim and give pirn stability.....

I always carry toothpicks to shim a pirn that is larger than a shuttle winder....I would also be surprised if I ran into what you ran into!

dteaj (not verified)

Paper can also be turned into a quill. Cut or tear to  the right length and tape down with scotch tape.

I use rubber bands to shim a bobbin, quill or spool which is too large for the winder.

I use these things at home, since I wind off a great wheel. I haven't thought to bring them to a workshop, but I will from now on. That is the joy of weave-fail!



Actually, earlier on in the start of weavolution we had a great conversation with quite a few links to how to make your own paper pirn.  I've tried searching for it but cannot find it.  If anyone finds it maybe we could post it here...Deb

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I found some very old comments here about winding bobbins.  

Not sure if that's what you're looking for.  There are tons of comments on winding bobbins, pirns and quills.  We do have an advanced search if you want to dig deeper for the comments.  So many search word possibilities.  I tried because I remember the discussion.  It was about a year ago.



I tried using the function Claudia and couldn't narrow it down.  It was specifically the conversation about making the pirns out of cards, not winding pirns.  My thought was it would be helpful if one found oneself in a workshop with a pirn winder and a pirn that did not match.  Kurt "Pippen" was in that conversation also, I just could not find it.  Thanks for trying.  There were some great hints and links to illustrated "how to" make a pirn.  Here is that link for reference in the future: