I’ve put a link below to pictures that show a problem with my recently finished rug. I’m trying to figure out what caused the more pronounced ridges that run along the 4 or 5 warp threads at each selvedge and on a few others further in on one side. I first thought maybe I was bubbling the weft too much, but at one point during weaving I tried to lessen the amount of weft at the edges and it just caused drawin at that point. Since the problem seems to run the entire length of the rug along certain warp threads, now I’m wondering if this might have been a tension problem that I didn’t notice while on the loom. Thanks for you help!

Rug issue



Joanne Hall

This is caused from having more bubbling in one shed than in the second.  It is usually the shed where the weft enters that has the weft tighter and when the weft exits, it has more slack.  That extra slack can come from it being at a greater angle, or from bubbling it more.  It can also come from leaving it at an angle, up away from the fell when you change your shed and beat.  So, where the yarn exits the shed, you should have it at the fell to prevent the changing of the shed from taking more slack into the weft. 


dreamspunfarm (not verified)

Thanks for your response, Joanne.  That makes sense to me.  I'm anxious to start the next project and see if I can execute what I think I understand.  I guess since it went the whole length of the rug, it's good to know I am at least consistent.  :-)