I'm down to my last 6, including the yardage.

Finishing up doup leno, and thinking about supplemental warp (warp brocade) all I can think of is turned Monk's Belt. Any other suggestions. Then cordoroy, terrycloth, the twill gamp which I somehow never did and one rug sample (varying piles) that I also missed. 

And a transfering all my notes to the forms. That will take a while.






When do you have to send the samples in this summer?



Annoyingly they're not saying yet. Sometime in August or september.  but apparently it hasn't been scheduled. 

Erica J

That is annoying! I hope they tell you soon.

I don't have any thoughts on your initial question yet, but will let you know if something comes to me. :)



maybe you can gain access to Barbara Walker's work! for ideas. She does a lot of supplemental warp. 

what a drag they haven't announced the examination yet, but it sounds like you've got everything well under control! 



I saw that Barbara has a lot published on supplementary warps, but we don't have her books in the Guild library and they're not at handweaving.net. No time to order them. But it looks like on 4 shafts, I pretty much only have 2 shafts for the supplementary warp, so that's pretty much monk's belt. Tidball's book has some good info. And lo and behold. Robyn Spady's Heddlecraft  -- current issue -- is all about pile weaves.. so the weaving gods are smiling on me! Plus there's always Collingwood. Where would I be without that book!