Get ready for 31 days of productive weaverliness. Whether winding a warp, warping a loom, or weaving off a projects our goal is to spend at least some time every day in October doing something related to weaving! Report here on your progress and projects - or even just to commiserate! Welsom one and all Tina



Today's project was finish plying some variegated turquoise-teal-blue-gree weft yarn to free up my production wheel.  Tommorrow, I'll weave at least 6", hopefully 24" on a spinner sampler I have on the Baby Wolf so that I can use both the sampler -- really a shawl of handspun white bamboo, dyed bamboo, banana, corn, cotton,dyed flax, bleached flax, hemp, nettle ramie, and soy -- and the loom for a demo I'm doing on Oct 4th.  On the 2nd & 3rd I need one wheel for another demo.  In that time window I also plan to turn some odds and ends of my handwoven fabric into cushions for sale at fiber fest, maybe including a vest.

I might have to skip fiber fest. We'll see.  I hope to use the first yarn I mentioned above as weft for a shawl woven in the demo on the 4th.  Then I'll devote my Baby to Christmas gifts.

This is while working at my software job & trying to figure out what to weave on the Big Mac.  I should start a political piece based on an aerial photo, but would have to figure out how to make photoluminescent dye.  At the demos I will have started spinning my  6 lbs of fleece that will become a 3-D doubleweave body of a lion (2 lbs are being reserved for the knotted pile mane --  gotta wrap those lock by lock & wash them).  However, I just finished 2 krokbragd rugs on the Big Mac and feel that I have barely scratched the surface on that technique, and really want to do more.  I have most of the weft for a 4' x 6' spun & dyed.

So through the 15th I'm on a tight schedule to do something with fiber every day, but then what?  Big Mac should already be warped or at least have the warp on hand, but for what?  Another krokbragd rug?  Does anyone know how to make photoluminescent dye?  I have spinning and Baby weaving lined up to last until the 30th, but having the big loom idle is somewhat terrifying. What if I finish the other projects ahead of schedule?  What will I do? 

Help me decide!  I promise to keep readers posted as to progress.


you've exhausted me just by reading your posting! LOL - Welcome aboard sound like you will have no problem meeting our challenge!


Don't know how you would make a luminescent dye unless it was some kind of organic mixture with a luminescent bacteria or a fungus like foxfire. Otherwise it might be a radioactive isotope you swallow for X-rays. Or maybe a whitening agent in detergent that fluoresces. :)


I have seen it is alder groves. Conditions have to be just right and I have not seen it "alive" for years since.



I know what you're talking about -- certain fungus that grow on bark are bioluminescent, as are fireflies.  I contemplated catching & squishing fireflies -- after all, I use real cochineal on occasion -- but I think I'll opt for the powder that is available on line.  I just don't know it's fastness, etc.  Also, one has to buy it in huge quantities, and I'm feeling a bit "dyed out".  However, my husband is going to a conference in a couple of weeks, and I always do my dyeing when he's out of town, so maybe I should order some and do my usual light fastness, freezer - microwave tests, and hang some yarn outside all winter, with the control sample in my closet.

As to meeting the challenge, I can weave and spin like a fiend, but I freak out when I don't have active projects.  Also, on days I have to go into the office, with an hour's drive each direction and  9 hours work, I come home exhausted, and after animal chores I feel like sinking into a coma, or am too stressed to do anything except shake -- a rag rug on Big Mac or some coarse spinning (not super fine) would help.  And currently I have a new software package I designed in alpha test with users, so only if I can keep to my fiber schedule will I  stay sane.

The roofers due here today cancelled due to rain.  My car needs it's checkup, so if I can get in, I'll bring my wheel and the tiny amount of angora I picked up in Denver a couple weeks ago to spin while I wait.  I'm not the only spinner to bring their wheel to the Subaru dealership.


with the challenge - I guess I had better. The challenge is what I need to keep up or when I get home I crash and burn and do nothing. I have towels and three moebius cowls to get done for my sister for her Christmas giving and I have a four day weaving class in a couple fo weeks so that will help. Right now I have warp laying on Wolfie ready to finish rough sleying and warping. And the RH is crying out for attention so. . .  Dying with fireflies sounds absolutely ghoulish - a great October project!

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I had just got my loom together, my first warp on and then life crashed in. I got very ill, had to move, my adult son had a terrible crisis.  I don't even have one project finished.  I have lots of fiber.  I would like to get my first (not very nice towels) finished and off the loom and another project going this month.  I would like to get some fiber momentum going and get my weaving on track. This group is a great idea. I love it!


We will help you however we can. You say - not very nice towels - the great thing about towels is that they work regardless of how they look! Please share your progress with us - we love to see pictures.    Tina


I did 18 inches of my "spinner sampler" (see above) shawl yesterday.  I'll try for 24" today, so I can finish on Saturday.  For a break, I experimented with my fleece from which to make a lion.  I can't make up my mind as to whether to card it or comb it.  This is not the choice long locks reserved for the mane -- it's the rest -- but the staple is still about 6".  This is longer than the cards are wide,  but combing seems to waste a lot (I'm not as good at combing as carding) and suddenly 6 lbs or whatever I have left after reserving the mane from an 8 lb fleece does not seem like very much.

Today I'll try flick carding.  The problem is, I'll be in costume for at least 3 demos while processing this fleece, and I need something on my lap to protect my clothes from the flick carder.  Where to get a piece of cowhide?

The good news (is it good?) is that it spins beautifully either carded or combed -- so beautifully that even as singles it would make a great warp.  If I hadn't waited a couple of years for this particular fleece I would be tempted to forget my lion project and weave something celebrating this fleece as warp. 

No progress on deciding on my next project for Big Mac.  I need to order some warp, and maybe photoluminescent powder.  I guess if there's a gap waiting for materials I could always start a quilt . . .

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

My Towels have literaly been over the mountain on the back of the truck (on the loom) and as a first project did not need all that.  First Towels

This is the warp right after beaming.   Sorry my Pic is sideways.  I am working on another warp I have had hanging around for a bit.  I have 2 baby blankets I bought yarn for last year.  I also have 2 pounds of nice border liechester blend I have been spinning off and on forever.  

Don't have any cow hide but I do think I have a nice lap size bit of goat skin left, where are you?  I am in SW Virginia.  BTW  I will need lots of help.  I am totally self taught - books and video - have no idea if I am doing things right - I will try to get better pics and pics of the towels - Willow green and shell

Thanks - Mindy

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I think I have it straightened out enought to begin weaving again.  I can't believen non of the threads broke when I  tightened everything up again.  We will see in the morning when I begin to weave.  I set up my other warp for my other project today.  I am abouth half finished with it so when my towels are done, it will be ready for the loom.  We'll see.  Fingers crossed


I ordered the cowhide on line.  It was for flick carding and I used an old paper bag under it yesterday.  It is very fast and somewhat less wasteful than combing, not as much as carding.  The draw is smoother and more tangle free than carding, but less than combing.  I tried sticking the locks into the combs so that only an inch or so sticks out away from the opposing comb with no ill effects and less waste.  I wish I were better at combing because for this fleece it produces the smoothest draw.

I wove 20" on my sampler shawl yesterday.  I have made no progress on major decisions for projects on Big Mac, but in the area of experimental krokbagd I would like to add network drafted to block weave.


Look at all my busy spiders - spinning and weaving away at their projects! When I get home from work I will attempt to get my warp beamed on and at least start to thread for some Christmas towels. Will have more time tomorrow. Officially we haven't even started Halloweave - not untilMonday but we all seem to have a good head start!


I did weave my quota on Baby yesterday, but decided to make the shawl 6" longer than the minimum for the sake of the pattern.  I'm past the leno, and have done the soy, nettle, hemp, and 1 flax on the end section.  I should  be finished today, so I can wet finish the shawl and retension the warp for the next project, and fold everything up for transport to the demo.

I have also filled an 8 oz bobbin 2/3 full with my new fleece singles.  I'm still fluctuating between flick carding & combing.

I have made no progress on Big Mac projects.  I have offered to let my husband tie onto the ends of the krokbragd warp so he can do a rug as a wedding present for his niece.  I suppose this means more krokbragd for me.  Really, though, it's a way to put off the photoluminescent dye one major project requires, or the 3 color space dyeing of the warp and the creation of the draft to match the space dyeing that the other of the two of  major projects require.

I don't hate to dye -- I'm just weary from it.  My silk and merino project has done me in for a while.  I'm waiting for a cool day to run those 3 lbs of fiber through the picker & carder for blending.


My dare is to actually weave one inch everyday. I have 39" left to weave and likely need it off the loom by November. If I get an extra inch a few weekend days, I'll be right on track! Cheers, Erica


Day 1......I wet finished a shawl.  Time to figure out the next project.  Off to the drafting board....  :)

coastalgal (not verified)

went out to the studio and sat at the loom determined to complete weaving on the towel....had NO clue where I was on the treadling pattern so after measuring to find it was already 18 inches I called it finished and did a hem. Still about 45 inches remaining before the warp savers, so it's enough for a small bath mat. This is an 8H overshot-Mexican Flower-so I found the treadles that lifted a balance of harnesses/threads allowing some open areas and others closed. This wouldnot be a warp or weft faced rug. I threw 2 tabby shots between the cotton mill end fringies and finished the mat around 330 am. Call it good. All is cut off the loom and I now have 2 towels and one mat to hem. This warp was a challenge in many ways, soft threads as warp, new-to-me loom that was not user friendly most of the time. (since the brake non-functioning has been corrected it is much nicer) And it was also a pattern challenge with a friend. A 'let's try something different'. 

I'll photograph the work in the next couple days and figure out how to post-new camera to a techy-challenged owner! 

Now there's other warps that need threading-the Herald or my sweet Norwood workshop loom......hmmmm. and warps to complete making sitting on the warping board. others need to be recounted and Labelled! with number of ends and planned future for those threads. when willl I ever learn to do that when I put them away??!!

anyway,I've started......30 minutes each day sounds like a great plan! 



at making more than one item on one warp......finished two chenille scarves.  The long warps scare me.  Time to get the camera out and start the photos.

Class tonight on a rep more week and that will be done.



I was good on Monday -- spun weft for 2 hours.

I failed on Tuesday -- too worn out after work.  Do I get makeup?

I went to spinner's on Wednesday -- 2 hours, and then came home and worked on the loom. 

I'm off today & tomorrow to a sheep-to-shawl.


the slip up on Tuesday - you've been doing enough all of us! Have fun at the sheep to shawl!


After 5 hours the first day of the sheep to shawl is over.  I'll go back tomorrow -- all my stuff is there under a tarp.  I acquired a fleece for a commission piece from the lady that provided today's flock for everyone -- Gulf Coast Freckles, I think the breed is.  They're supposed to be more disease-resistant in the hot moist climates of the American South.   They're considered a medium wool breed, I believe, but this is on the fine edge of that.  Tomorrow we do Icelandics. 

The commission piece needs to be a 4' x 6' throw in reds, creams, maybe a little chocolate from this farm's flock.  They like simple twills, but I might be compelled to do something more radical.  Ideas, anyone?  This is for Big Mac.

Saturday, I'll weave a little on Baby -- the first foot or so to get the treadling set in my head, then on Sunday Baby & I will be on the road as weavers.  The next weekend is fiber fest at Ozark Folkways, where if I get my act together I'll sell some handwoven clothing and cushions -- no handspun, though.  Or I could just blow off that event and start on the commission piece . . .


That sounds like a wonderful way to spend your day! Congrats on the commissioned piece...the colors sound marvelous. Started out with a tough time with my Rep weave, but, after getting the bugs out I am loving it.


try Rep weave at some point - actually I NEED to get all my current projects done before starting anything new!


Endorph! I don't seem to have that probe because I only have one loom :( Rep weave is so cool once I understood it. C

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

I'm drooling over the description of that throw! Cheryl I would love to see those scarves and your shawl.  What is rep weave?  I am going to take my very first project off my loom today.  I have decided if they don't finish well ( the first couple of towels have really loopy edges when I changed colors) I am going to make christmas stockings out of them :) I finished weaving last night so I will do my first wet finishing today.