I have never used anything anything like this and I'm finding I'm creating a "paralysis by anaylsis" situation. I'm not really sure i understand what I'm suppose to do for the first chip assignment. One the first Chart Hue Value/Choma Chart in the beginning of the book, I think i'm suppose to find chips to fill in. i see I need black to white for value, reds for chroma, and the hues of all the colors plus their subset.

Do i take out my packages and start separating them? How does one control them? Any advice greatly appreciated in how to start this -

Thank you!




Karren K. Brito

I think the little baggies with the chips are labeled, or were when I did it.  You want the one labeled HVC. Just open this one baggie for now. There are instructions in the book at Exercise 1.1. You need glue, but not until you are sure.

Mary Rios (not verified)

that helps! i'll reread the instructions to see what i missed!