Anybody make color chips from yarn and then use the value scale to determine the value of the yarn?

I was hoping for some pictures of yarn chips beside the value scale  that you have glued together.


Karren K. Brito

My older version only has 8 value chips and none for 9/ but there is no X in that space either.  Is there an X under the black 1/ chip?

Could you arrange your yarn chips from dark to light and let me see a pic?  I'm puzzeled by the one I think I see labeled 5R 1/14 ----1/ means very dark like the pure black and those kinds of colors don't have high chroma like 14.

I would also like to see a picture of the 7RP 7/8  yarn chip next to the 7/ value scale.

Mary Rios (not verified)

I'm hoping you can help shed some light on this for me. Will we be able to talk about it in class, or only online? I'll take more pics and post prior to class -

Karren K. Brito

Ok, since the chips are now in increasing value order, lets get the Munsell values to increase too.

The numbers that represent the values go from left to right

4/ (darkest),   1/,   6/,    7/(lightest). 


It looks like to me the 1/ is out of place.