OK, I'm probably the only weaver on this site who had not yet listened to the Weavecast episode where Syne interviewed Claudia, Alison, and Tien about Weavolution... 

In fact, I heard about this site through an entirely different venue (a blog called Craftypod)... but that is another forum post thread...

Anyway, I am always behind on my podcast listening in general, and today I finally heard this podcast - Episode #38 to be specific.

As I was listening to Claudia, Tien , and Alison, I was reminded of the spirit behind the goal.  Certainly I am reminded of it every time I use Weavolution, but what specifically hit home today, was that this site was NOT an easy thing for these three women to have established.  They have worked hard to accomplish this goal.  They have made it a gathering place for weavers of all abilities and techniques.

Just today I was reading a forum post about someone who was having difficulty with her inkle loom weaving technique, and she was able to post a picture about her problem.  I was impressed by how quickly weavolution readers came to her aid.  I'm thinking that she was given the guidance she needed, but I hope she will show us the finished result.

I know Weavolution is still finding it's way, and working through their issues one by one, but I am so impressed to have a site where I can read about all things weaving.  I find I am learning new things all of the time. 

And just so folks know... perhaps my outlook is a bit biased.  I have cared enough about the site to volunteer my time with testing and anything else I can do for them.  Quite frankly, the site has improved tremendously in my short time here.  (Not entirely due to me, of course! *grin*).  And more functionality will come, I know.

I'm looking forward to continuing my dialog with the weaving community I meet here.





HI,  I re-listened to that Weave-cast a few weeks ago and was also struck by how far we'd come and how much work has gone into this site. I'm another dedicated volunteer/supporter.. and I'm so glad you've joined us Kay!