Hi folks I have a question.   Yesterday I went to my local weaving study group.  Great folks.  I learn a lot.  I am having trouble with my selvages on an alpaca/silk shawl.  I was asked about the warp pulling in towards the center where it is tied onto the cloth beam.  Why yes it does.  Are you weaving the full width of the loom? Why yes I am.  It seems it is recommended not to weave the full width.  I have never heard this before and wonder if this is standard practice.  I recently  sold a 40" loom and now have an18" and a 20" loom.  How wide can I weave without selvage stress?



You can weave as wide as you like if you know how to properly hold and throw your shuttle.  :-/

One of the issues I see over and over again is that people will throw the shuttle, leave a nice angle on the weft, then pull their hand *and* the shuttle towards them as they pull the beater forward which effectively shortens the weft pick and causes excessive draw in.

If you are interested I have video clips on You Tube showing how I throw the shuttle.  While there are different ways to accomplish this, study several proficient weavers to find out what they do and keep trying until you find what works for you.

Some people just say to use an end feed/delivery shuttle, but I use an 'ordinary' Leclerc boat shuttle and have no problems with my selvedges.

You might also find my blog useful for the hints and tips I've posted over the years http://laurasloom.blogspot.com 

Scroll down to see the list of labels for topics I've covered.

If you want to know more, Janet Dawson's class on Craftsy is also highly recommended (and comes on sale regularly).

And to blow my own horn, my DVD with Interweave Press - The Efficient Weaver.




Yes, my selvedges are much better and less draw in when I throw the shuttle and don't bring my hand towards me when I pull the beater bar towards the fell line. Definitely get Laura's video. Great tips and u will see improvements. It worked for me


Thanks Laura and dwilliston.  I'll try your suggestions.   And Laura,  I've watched some of your videos.  They are very helpful.  You are a great teacher.

