I have a huge cone of 10/2 cotton and want to warp using four threads so I need to divide it into 4 smaller units. In the past I have used an electric bobbin winder to make 4 spools and used them horizontally coming from a spool rack but I felt that the tension was not consistant coming off the spool.  Would it be better to put the spools vertically on a cone stand? 


Michael White

You need to have them horizontal. If you trying using them standing up you will add an extra twist to the yarn. You should not have any tension problems when making a warp. You are not putting a "lot" of tension on the 4 threads you are just wraping them around the pegs. One trick is to make your warp in small groups and not try an do the whole warp at one time.


I have to say that my warp tension on the loom was always good but winding the warp from the wooden spools feels a little jerky. Maybe I need to make the hole in the center of the spools larger so it can spin more freely.  My spool rack is homemade and I think maybe that the rods might be a little too large for the hole in the spools.