Hey all,

I purchased one of the gorgeous Blazing Shuttle warps (Rayon / Savannah colorway). I know I need to put a dummy warp on the loom and tie on to that from the front, but that's where my knowledge ends.

I'd like to know if the subtle shifts would just happen if I just beam it on or how to flip parts of the warp without ended up with an expensive tangled mess.  Any tips at all would be much appreciated!



Central Texas


Sara von Tresckow

I'm thinking that just tying it on (the knots will not be exactly even) and beaming will give you subtle shifts in color so it does't look like a color change line across your warp. Rayon is slippery and if you are not very experienced in weaving, you should probably keep the order as it is and see what transpires.

You can always order another and try a different effect once you've not tried too many variations on the first one.


Thanks. That's what I figured about the shifting.  I've been weaving for over ten years and have done rayon several times, so I'm not worried about that.

I'd love to do the stripes, but can't figure out how to do that without screwing it all up.


I always beam my warps under tension, especially if they are going to be a bit funky. Cheers Laura


Thanks, Laura.  I normally use a warping valet.  Just trying to figure out some tricks for this painted warp.  I know Kathrin Weber from Blazing Shuttles does some other tricks, but I can't figure out how I could do the flipped portions without really messing things up.


Messing things up is just temporary. :). Have faith! Cheers Laura


Messing things up is just temporary. :). Have faith! Cheers Laura


lol.  It's less temporary for some of than it is for others. 

loomroomcat (not verified)

You can put the cross on your hand as if to thread or on a cross holder, cut the ties that bind, count out the number of threads that you want, pull that part of the cross forward, retie it, and then retie the remaining cross threads.  Unchain the warp, and separate your two chains, they come apart quite easily.  Best done with two people, one to hold, one to separate.  If you flip one of the chains, you will no longer have a cross on one of the warps.  Easier to flip the smaller chain if they are not the same number of threads.


You could also wind and chain the warp in several small bouts with a cross at each end.  Then you could flip any bouts you wanted to without having to pull threads out or retie anything.


Thanks, but the warp is already wound off.  It came from Blazing Shuttles.  She they are ready to be beamed and already have a cross in them.