I am looking for plans to build a warping mill.  Not adverse to paying for plans, but I need something I can just hand over to DH and ask him to build.   Does anyone have some or know where I can find them?


Deb in N TX


Michael White

Hi, I answer this question under chat, four months ago. Please look at www.weavolution.com/node/4432

If you need more info IM me. I just want an checked that web site for the mill plan it is no longer up.

I can still send you the Worth plan?




debstein (not verified)

Thank you all so much!   That is exactly what I was looking for.  I tried to find the original you posted, Michael, but when I couldn't get that link to display, I figured a bump to the topic might get the results.


Deb in N TX

Michael White

Deb, I am glad that you, with zinniz's help, were able to locate the plans. Post pictures here when you have finish building the mill. Just remember, "The eyes of Texas & Weavolution are on you" (g)


nctxweaver (not verified)

I too am interested in the mill.  Tried the link and it didn't work. 


Elaine in TX

Caroline (not verified)

Did you try the link in post #3, because that link does work. I've just tried it.

nctxweaver (not verified)

thank you, I tried it again and it did work for me now. 

claudia (not verified)

Has anyone finished making the reel from the directions in Post #3? I would love to see what you did and how it turned out. I don't have tools to do this but may have a new source for helping me soon.


Alun Bush

Well, I thought I had offered the link to my plans for making and using a sectional warping machine but it sems to have dissapeared.

Take a look at my website http://www.scorraigweave.com and click Home Made Warping just below the heading.

There is no charge for copying my plan but it would be nice to know how it goes.


rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

I put dowels in a cardboard box on a lazy susan. it looks ghetto but hell, it works.


Over in "Home Built Equipment" I built one from Edward Worst's plans that I believe I linked to from the internet Archives.

David95436 (not verified)

Would someone or everyone be willing to translate the plans from the terse English of the original into prose? I understand what a lazy susan is but much of the rest leaves me scratching. 1 circular bearing 12" diameter (lazy susan) 1 3/4"x4"x4" plywood (choice of wood) 2 @ 14" x 14" squares, 4 legs 5" high 1 1/2 x 3/4 Oak, Maple or Popular To make 4 cross members 25" long 2 warping peg holders 20" long 2 cross members 26" long (center brake) 1 1/2 x 36" dowel (warp pegs-6" long x 6) 4 1"x36" dowel Make 2 pieces square-14"x14" Mount bearing between squares (sandwich) Cut Flat legs (shape optional 5" x 12" Cut cross members 26"--Use 1/2 laps to make cross Bore 1" blind hole in each end of 2 crosses Bore 1" thru hole in ends of third cross Bore 1" thru holes in end of warping peg holders (2 holders) Bore 3 1/2" holes in each warp peg holders for warping pegs Cut 1"dowels to desired length-4 even Be sure holds in cross members are equal and matching. Assemble with 1 warping peg board at top and 1 at bottom. Center cross member between top and bottom. Glue and screw all joints. Finish as desired. Mount reel assembly on lazy susan platform. Enjoy and have a great time. Plans provided by Sally & her husband>

jlread (not verified)

This is what I just put together


jlreed I would love your plans you used for you warping reel. I have been looking at my first reel and they are very expensive.


Hi jlread - just seen your lovely warping reel, and the request for the plans. Did you post the plans anywhere?

jlread (not verified)

Send me your e address and I will send the plans to you.....JR


Nicely done.  My wife and I are just getting into weaving.  Bought a used Nilus 4 shaft jack type floor loom and inherited a Beka Rigid Heddle monster which I have already modified. 

Like your chickens in your photo.  just got eight chicks. 


Thanks in advance, Bruce





jlread (not verified)

PM your e-address to me and I'll send the plans....I like the eggs!

anniegalloway (not verified)

I would love to have the plans if anyone is still here and has them.  Thank you so much!!!   [email protected]


Sorry, it seems that I posted the same message a few times 

jlread (not verified)

Yes... I will e-mail the plans to anyone that wants them. Sorry if I missed a few requests. Here is my e-mail address

[email protected]

I will be happy to send them off and happy weaving....

jlread (not verified)

Just sent several out today.....have fun !!!!


I have 3 looms, 2 of which are rigid heddles that I ahve warped by running fiber across my entire living room. Bonus is both the 10" and 36" are lightweight and easy to move, so it is not a big deal. 

However! I just got a 4 shaft 6 harness Norwood loom and I would like to have the reel made by my amazing partner who has a crafty woodshop.

I see that jlread sent out plans in 2014, and I wonder if they are still out there - somewhere... Sending jlread a DM also. 

Thank you!


Mary Kate

Were you able to find a copy of the plans for this warping mill? I am interesting in getting the info also.
