I'm brand new after 30 yrs out of a little weaving - so excited! I'm going to tackle cotlin towels using a pattern from a 2002 Interweave Press magazine. I know I need 5.8 yards of warp so thought I'd wind an even 6 just to simplify thing and give myself room for errors. But I can't figure out how to get that length on the warp wheel. I went around the wheel 3 times and end up with about 18 inches extra. Clearly I'm not using it correctly. I'm looking in the "key to weaving" book at the picture and think I'm using the pegs properly to get the cross. Any help?



I went back to the wheel a 20th time and realized that the bottom pegs can be moved to another set of arms or wings... So problem solved.

tien (not verified)

Glad you figured it out!