hello, I have a set up question with a jack loom. My shafts kept gettin stuck when I weaved my very first project and the shed wasnt opening correctly. So, I started to look at the mechanics of the loom and noticed that the shafts were resting between the lambs(I think thats what they are called). Im thinking that the shafts shouldnt be falling between the lambs...am I thinking correctly. My annalysis tells me my strings are too short and I need to have the strings longer so the lambs can fall lower and the shafts will rest just above them.... is this correct?



Which loom do you have?  The mechanics of the different looms may require different 'settings' in order for the loom to work properly.


my loom is an old loom, a Bernat 131-B.



I'm not familiar with the Bernat loom, but I would think that if the shafts are falling down between the lamms, that would not be good.  In photos I saw on the internet when I Googled Bernat Looms, it looks like a rising shed loom.  To me it would seem that perhaps the cables holding the shafts are too long, allowing the shafts to fall down too far.  I wouild try shortening the cords or cables and see how that works?


okay, thanks for your help...I will try that