Firstly if this is in the wrong place someone please tell me, first post!

I don't use my Dorothy because it makes such a racket when I change sheds.  I was thinking that if I changed the heddles to Texsolv that might minimize the noise?  As I haven't used Texsolve before I'm looking for feedback on whether anyone has done this and if it would help.  I don't think the shaft weight would necessarily be an issue as it's a table rather than floor loom but wasn't sure if there is anything else I should be factoring in (apart from the cost of the heddles of course!).


morgan clifford

I totally sympathize about that noise.  It's why I love Mountain Loom table looms.  They have quiet parts and very little rattling.  I am guessing that Texsolv would work fine.  If you want to send me a SASE I can send you 10 or 12 heddles for you to try out before investing in more.  Let me know and I'll send you my address via a private email.  The ones I have are 9".


Texsolv suggests the 237/12 (9-5/16; 1/2) brown heddles for a dorothy loom.