moderators, I will understand if this has to be deleted due to policy, regards Deb McClintock

This is for a local Blanco county weaver. Her local community is rallying around her and our county has now been declared FEMA eligible. Please consider donating $$ for fleece, sheep and weaving equipment replacement. Her studio and fleece storage area took significant water and her wool flock was washed away. Note “for the weaver” or “for the sheep” in your donation line so Angie knows we care when her thoughts can turn to her rebuilding her studio instead of rebuilding her home and farm. Even a symbolic $25 will help her realize folks are thinking about their loss and rebuilding efforts Details and photos are in the link below. Thank you for the consideration and Regards Deb McClintock


Erica J

I am sure many of you have already contributed. If you did not see this before, please consider a donation.