
sally orgren


The photos are fantastic, and I too, am a huge fan of JOY yarns. Their color palettes are wonderful. So this is what water looks like when woven as twill?

A quick sett check: After having an initial heart attack over your 20 epi sett, I discovered Aziza is their 5/2 Tencel, so that is good! (I was thinking 20 epi for 10/2 was wayyyy too loose.)

One of the things I am finding is that Tencel needs to be sett fairly tight. Tighter than many would think. (It will still retain a great drape). With their Almaza (or any 10/2 Tencel), I am edging up from 28 toward 30- 36 epi, although I think originally the recommended sett was something like 24 for tabby.

So, are you wearing this to Maryland Wool & Sheep in a few weeks?

claudia (not verified)

Thanks, Sally.  I would have preferred a sett of 24 but the scarf was woven on my Kromski Harp RH loom with 2 heddles and I could not figure out how to increase the sett and maintain the threading necessary for the 3s twill.  It's a bit drapey but not sleezy.

The scarf was woven for a client and it was mailed off today : (  I need to weave faster to have something great for MSWF.  Are you coming?  I hope so.  There will be a Weavolution Meet up, still working on time and place.


Alison (not verified)

 I'm surprised at how well the twill works with the multicolored yarn.  Very, very nice!

Ellen (not verified)

I really love the blending of subtle colours.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

This scarf was my second try at a 3s point twill on a rigid heddle loom.  Thanks to the Rigid heddlers group, I was able to figure out the threading and the "treadling" on the RH loom.

I love the scarf because the pattern is subtle and the hand is soft and drapey.  I am working on a second one now and hope it looks as nice.

JOY tencel is a fabulous yarn and fun to use.  I was afraid it would be slippery but it was not.

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit