I have my loom threaded for Summer and Winter and wanted to experiment a bit with Tacquete.. 

I have Hoskins' book and a few other resources. Most explanations are for more than 4 shafts, and I realize on 4 shafts I’m limited to 2 blocks. which is fine. My question is about changing colors in the blocks. I assume  I just weave two picks of the same color to reverse them?  Can’t seem to find that anywhere.


So if I have blue in block A and green in block B I shuttle alternately blue, green, blue, green, then to have green in block A I throw 2 picks green and then alternate  from there so  green, blue, green, blue.

There isn't more to it than that is there?


Erica J


I am weaving taquete at the moment. You are mostly correct. You will throw blue, green, blue, green, which will be Block A, B, A, B, after your last green pick, you will be back to Block A and ready to make your color change, so you will throw green again and begin alternating with blue. Hoskins chapter on using Overshot drafts for weft faced weaves may also help clear this up. If nothing else on Saturday, I'll take my Chromebook to the loom where I'm weaving taquete and demonstrate, but I think you have this, you just need to do it to convince yourself! :)


Great. I did it on my loom and yes it works, I just wanted to be sure that it was the 'right' way to do it-- not just that it works... if you know what I mean.

Erica J

Yes, I do. Just keep and eye on the selvedges, to make sure they are getting wrapped each time. A floating sevledge is very useful, or you can start the shuttles from opposite side. In her video Hoskins also shows it is OK to manually wrap the outside thread on a color change. I hope that helps.


I'm finding that I can catch the threads at the edges by manipulating the shuttles right.. Thanks for your help!

Erica J

Yes that is the ideal. Now if you can help me remember how to do it, we'll both be grand! :)


I  just look at the shuttle and see if they're catching. It's pretty simple, really.

I'm one of those people who loathe floating selvedges. I find them fiddly and annoying, and usually ugly.  I know *other*  people find that it improves their selvedges, but that's not what happens with me. So I'll do anything to figure out how to weave without them!


Erica J


Thanks for the explanation! That is what I had been doing. I was hoping there was a system to it. I thought I had figured one out yesterday, it was working great for about 30 or so passees, then bam it didn't work anymore. So I'm back to checking, which is fine, it doesn't really slow me down or anything. Taquete, especially with 14 pattern shafts is slow weaving any way. I am very much enjoying this slow weaving, though I'm still not sure I would enjoy tapestry slow weaving, if you know what I mean!


14 shaft, wow!  Yes I can see how that would get confusing with the shuttles. Mine is a mere 2 :)  Is the place where it stopped working between color blocks?  Sometimes I have to work the shuttles one way, sometimes another.. it depends on how they exit and enter the sheds.