Including ripsmatta, 8 shaft dräll, Swedish lace, halvdräll, weft faced monksbelt and blanket weave, this workshop is taught by Joanne Hall at the new Glimakra USA  in Eugene Oregon,  March 18,19 and 20, Fri, Sat, Sun. You will also be able to weave on a drawloom.  A 4 or 8 shaft loom is required. 

for more information, contact:

[email protected] 



... q from a ...foreigner... what is  "blanket weave"?

Joanne Hall

Just a short cut name for the blanket sample we will weave.  This is a sample workshop. The blanket weaving sample will include learning to twist the fringes between two blankets.  And it will include weaving double width.  We also do the wet finishing, which includes finishing so that the fringes get fulled enough that they don't untwist when they are cut.  It also includes pressing and brushing when still damp.   I have included this sample in many workshops and it is very appreciated.  Many weavers don't have a loom wide enough to weave a blanket. 



I asked because I know of "filtbindning" which essentially is taqueté, but also because I *think* I have read about "blanket weave" (in some English source) but haven't been able to find it again.

Joanne Hall

Taquete would be fun to try in a blanket.  But I will have to do that another time.  Thanks for the information.
