I will be in Stockholm, Sweden from April 19 to May 13 with a possible excursion to Oslo around the end of April. I won't have a car and will stay with family in Stockholm, using public transportation and walking. Do you know places to visit for textiles and/or weavers that are accessible by train or bus? I do plan to visit Skansen and have been keeping a folder for Scandinavia but could use suggestions. Thanks! (I am a teacher and have been weaving since 1967.)


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hey Bonnie,

Sounds like a great trip.  You might consider posting this in the Chat forum where everyone sees the new posts and can respond to your questions.  I know we have several Weavo users who live in Sweden and Norway and they would love to offer ideas.  


ruthlisbeth (not verified)

In Stockholm you´ll find a working museum in an old silk weavingfactory.



Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Thanks, Lisbeth. I went to this website yesterday, after Kerstin remembered this place. I have been to the old silk mill and museum in Macclesfield, in the U.K. and it was quite interesting.  I will arrive in Stockholm on April 19th and leave on May 10th with a side trip to Oslo April 29 to May 4.

Claudia, I posted something under Chat but it wasn't very active. I will have access to the Internet while staying with my son, so I can check Weavolution from time to time in case there are more suggestions.  I will have lots of free time in Stockholm and will meet with a weaver there. I found her through Complex Weavers.

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

I had a great time in Stockholm and Oslo. There were some wonderful old textiles in the Historic Museums in both cities and also the folk museums. I toured weaving schools in both places and found shops carrying handwoven textiles. If you happen to be going to Stockholm, send me a private email and I'll share my Word file with places to go for woven textiles.

There will be a big weaving conference in Sweden in September of 2011.
