
I had some thought today on additiins we could make to nelp study groups be more than just a discussion forum.

Here are my initials thoughts. What do you think? What ideas do you have?

A way to share files.

Making recordings of meet uos available

Ability to share projects and drafts withthe Study Group.

A way to use Weavolution for a Study Group Newsletter or EMagazine.

I'm not yet sure if/how we can make thjngs happen, but I'm willing to research if folks agree these would be useful.



I think those are all great ideas! 

One really active FB weaving group is 4-shaft weaving at https://www.facebook.com/groups/4shaftweaving/  ,  I think looking at it will give you an idea of how a really active social media group can work. There are files, videos, wifs  etc.  I don't know how hard these things are to program, and I know Weavo doesn't have the resources of FB, but it doesn't hurt to see what is happening there. 

I'm not sure what a newsletter/ eMag would look like though.