
weaversouth (not verified)

"bra" being in regional dialects in parts of the British Isles, I saw the following little pun on a birdhouse at Lindesfarne:

"Bra house.  Titi's only."


they also had a little bowl of water with the sign: "hot dogs stand"

Obviously, pun lovers.

Nancy C

elisabethhill (not verified)

 Can we see a picture of a finished scarf? Please?


Ellen (not verified)

Hi Nancy,


Thanks for the fun!

Actually "good " is  "god" in Danish (really! but pronounced with a soft th sound) But a Swedish or Norwegian "bra"  is also welcome :-)



Ellen (not verified)

Hi, Lisa,

OK, I'll go find the only one I have got left and take a picture one of these days, if you'd like to see it. Actually I think the colours are nicer in reality than in that photo taken on the loom.


dyerivrwvr (not verified)

I'd love to see the finished scarf as well, I love all the colors. 

From a fellow symmetrical person...

Manicgirl (not verified)

Gorgeous! I'm planning some striped asymetrical scarves myself, like you said - they're everywhere!

I really like your colours and stripes - and I hope to see a finished scarf!

Ellen (not verified)

The finished scarf to be seen :-)

Manicgirl (not verified)

Stunning!! Such a good way to both use up odds and ends, and get a super result! Truly inspiring. Tack! :)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Seeing that scarves in many coloured stripes was suddenly everywhere to be seen, I decided it was time to finish up a lot of small amounts of coloured wool in my yarn shelves. Used fine silk for weft, that would show as little as possible. The only challenge for me was winding the warp to avoid my tendency for symmetry! The scarves turned out to be very popular and were quickly off to friends' and family's necks.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit