There has been quite a bit of interest in Tommye Scanlins handspun chiengora scarf, both for its beauty and its fiber. We handspinners have been much too quiet lately, so I thought I would start this thread for anyone who has spun chien to share experiences and show our finished products, and also for answering questions. I have been busy spinning up some chien that I am blending with silk on my rocking chair charka, will post a picture soon. In the meantime, here is a photo of some previous chiengora yarns I've spun: Chien 001 (600 x 450) From left to right: Golden Retriever, Bernese Mountain Dog, a mixed breed of Bernese, Samoyed and Chow, and at the bottom is Newfoundland.


Caroline (not verified)

I have spun Malemute down, which is very short, on my charkha, belnded with alpaca; it was beautiful, until the cat attacked it and ripped it to shreds. I have some Maremma to spin once I feel brave enough. I do also spin cat fur on a spindle; now that really is a lovely yarn!

jeannine (not verified)

I have spun hair from both Bearded colli and Belgian Shepherd. Bearded is long fibre and really soft and spins easily . the Belgian Shepherd is short and need to be mixed with wool. i used it ,together with some unraffled yellow fabric to change the dull brown colour of wool i got from my uncle. 

Next picture is a weaving i made to show the handspun chiengora  in the warpgaps.


gray : bearded colli with some black fiber

brown: Belgian shepherd with plantdyed wool (walnuts)

The warp is commercial coton. It was one of the rare pieces I could sell at an art show. though the lady asked me about the smell. I told her to wash with mild hairshampoo if nessesary and that is what i do with the chiengora and no smell is left.

pictures also here: (reply #2)

I made the photos bigger than i usually do so you can see some details.



(still around but for the moment less time to weave)

kellytwo (not verified)

I spin dog and cat hair for a living. I don't blend any hair unless my customers request it, which rarely happens. They want something that is 100% from their pet. Now I'm spinning an order for a lady who has four cats, and is a mixture of all of them together. I have two Collies of my own, so I have an endless supply of hair for my own use.
