Unfortunately many of you have received spam from various accounts, all of which include the name irene plus another word or numbers. Unfortunately we have no way to mass delete these messages. Please do not e-mail the address provided. We have blocked all of these accounts. We have also changed the access to the private messaging system. We are now allowing only trusted users to access the private messaging system. This means, if you joined recently and any new members will have to post to the site proving they are not spammers before they will be given access to the private messaging system.

Thank you for all the notifications we recieved. Thank you for understanding we do not condone spam or phishing and that these messages did not come from us.

Happy Weaving,

Erica & Oliver


sally orgren

I have liked how the PM system at Weavolution protects our personal e-mails, and I appreciate your taking this additional step to protect us from those with nefarious intentions trying to work the system.



It is a bit of a bummer that we will have to temporarily inconvenience real people. We all know how it is, it is important for us to protect our users and once one spammer figures out a weakness, they'll all jump in, if you don't put more stringent measures in place!




thanks for your work in this matter



Thanks for letting us know & for taking these measures. I happened to have received one such PM on 6/28, asking for my contact info so we could exchange pics of projects, etc... I didn't respond because it just seemed fishy; I'm glad that I followed my gut feeling!


Me too, glad I decided to ignore it :)