I created a charkha which I posted under my Projects, since my computer imcompatibility with Weavolution doesn't give me a tool bar in Groups and Forums. It can be seen here. http://weavolution.com/project/whiteoakgrandmother/square-wheel My aim was to make a wheel that worked well, using only simple tools. I did this by finding thrift store parts that already had the "difficult" parts done. I did use an electric drill but the few holes that I drilled could have been done with a little hand drill. Holes that require either a drill press or a very steady hand are already done. Everything else was done with common hand tools. If I had already had the kitchen tool idea in mind as a theme, I could have used a cutting board with a hole in the handle for the base.


francorios (not verified)

Bravo! I like it just as much as the Dancing Geckos. Now I will have to make of each! Have a good day! Franco Rios

whiteoakgrandmother (not verified)

Thank you Franco! But now I've added another one. You could just make one great charkha using different elements of the three. And if you're wondering, Dancing Geckos is my favorite of the three, but Sticks and Stones has some good engineering elements.