
Kristina (not verified)

 Wow Ellen!!

It looks so smooth and soft. What a pity that I can not touch it through  my Computer.


Ellen (not verified)

Hi, Kristina,

Yes, I often feel that too, when I see projects on here :-) And yes, they are exactly like that.

elisabethhill (not verified)

80/2!  Wow! I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see it to weave it.  Did you have problems with static while weaving?  I love the close color values you have chosen - iridescent - lovely.

lkautio (not verified)

Just lovely.  I could see this as spectacular curtains, too.

Laurie Autio

Ellen (not verified)

Hi, thanks

No, actually it turned out to much less difficult than I had imagined, a great pleasure to have tried. When I get the e-mails from Colourmart I sometimes just take the plunge and hope for the best :-)

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks. Oh, that would be really luxurious! But might take more of the silk than Richard had. Colourmart often have small amounts of yarn, probably why they are so reasonably priced.

dorothystewart (not verified)

Hi Ellen - this is beautiful ! I think the pictures are clearer on Ravelry !

The twill thrills book is full of such lovely things. I have been a bit nervous about really fine silk but I think you have given me the confidence to try ! Just not enough hours in the day to do all things on the list !!

You must be very proud of this shawl it is a masterpiece !


CindyinFL (not verified)

You have produced an exceptional shawl.  Give yourself a high five!

Ellen (not verified)

Thanks again Cindy. A big hug from me. It is so lovely when fellow weavers say nice thing about one's projects :-)


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Draft from Twill Thrills. The weft silk was the finest I have ever used, a 80/2 from Colourmart that I just could not resist. Thought I'd have to use it doubled, but it worked out fine single. A very see-through quality, though.

It is impossible to get the right picture.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit