
lkautio (not verified)

This is lovely!

Laurie Autio

claudia (not verified)


Yofi tov! and shalom to Weavolution. 

That's most of my functional Hebrew, the rest is for reading purposes only.  Thanks for sharing this love project with everyone.  So glad you have joined us.


bolivian warmi

I love it! but what is a siddur? I can't tell that it is separate pieces sewn together. It looks like it has come straight out of an exotic Turkish market!!

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thanks so much :D

miryam-chavah (not verified)

trust me, my Hebrew is pretty bare-bones too ;)

thank you for the warm welcome!

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you for the compliments :D

a siddur is a book used by Jewish folks, has our daily-prayers & blessings...

Ellen (not verified)

That looks fantastic! WOW.

And welcome among us


That's beautiful.  The patterns really complement each other well.

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank  you so much :D

Thumper70 (not verified)

fantastic idea to make a book cover! And it is so unique - I suspect you don't want to stop praying, just to be able to hold the book - it looks so tactile :) - but then the whole boday and spirit thing working together. . . it makes perfect sense.

miryam-chavah (not verified)

you're gonna laugh but us hasidim have a fetish for the "soul" of hand-made objects (like it houses part of the artist/creator's "kavannah")... i've had hasidic rabbi offer me $100 for to make for him a simple black-silk gartl, inkle woven with *no* pattern to it at all...... NO PATTERN AT ALL. just because of the idea that it would have been woven for him by a sister-yid, makes it almost "magic" to them...

when i brought this siddur to therapy (yes, i'm in therapy, act surprised) my therapist flipped out (him also a Jewish folk) and wanted to comission a cover for *his* siddur also .. the thought of having special books covered in hand-created cover tickled the whole kaballah-magic spot for him...

honestly there have been times i've sat with the book in my lap, and just waited/thought/meditated a bit before i davened.. or even held it to my chest.... so odd but it does feel like part of me (to me)... not so much like this mass-produced cheap-book anymore... very happy making... it changes the feel/colors of my entire process of davening...

Thumper70 (not verified)

Not laughing - nodding in total understanding & agreement. I paint icons, and have also done some weaving & embroidery for liturgical use.

Keep weaving - you're giving me ideas (grin).

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card wove a couple of belts, and used them to make a cover for my siddur:

all pics and project details are in my notes at that link/gallery. (i am still learning to use the weavolution site, sorry to not have everything here yet)


i used satin-bamboo (found at HalcyonYarn, for all the warps/weft, and also for the lucet woven flat-braid that i used to top/bottom edges of cover (braided 3 lengths of the flat-braid  and tacked it in long snaking around front-n-back sides of the cover and then "sutured" it shut to cover the burlap/belt edges...

i took the large-diamond pattern from the turkish-belt pattern, pg. 78 of "Card Weaving" Candace Crockett (did make small changes, you can see my own pattern i used here:

i have neuromuscular disease so my fine motor skills are NOT fine, so please forgive how sloppy all of my hand-stitching is ;)

that is all i can think to say for now. hope you like the pictures.

be well - M.Ch.


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