I have a Union 36 loom and want to make blankets that are wider by putting the pieces

together.  What is the best way to do this?





TinaHilton (not verified)

I've been trying to remember the right name for this stitch, but can't.  You basically take 2 panels, lay them side by side, and join them by stitching through the selvedge loops on both pieces.  I've only done this with wool, and it's almost invisible then.  But I've heard of others doing the same thing with other fibers.

bolivian warmi

You can make your joins invisible or go the other way and make them highly visible and decorative. Suzanne Baizerman and Karen Searle's book ''Finishes in the Ethnic Tradition'' has a nice section on joins, both direct and decorative. I love the way the women in Peru and Bolivia join together the two rectangles that make up their traditional carrying cloth with bright decorative stitches.


helgaundmichael (not verified)

 I do not try to hide the fact that my blanket is put together

 These are three panels.


or: make a "feature" of it, by (for instance) making one panel with warp stripes ant the other with weft stripes.

Here is a page with some ideas - ok, the text is in Swedish, but pictures are universal...


claudia (not verified)

Hi Kerstin,'

You are right, it's easy to see what the suggestion are for the blanket or in the case of the page you suggested, a quilt. 

Did you know you can put the url in Google Traslator and it will translate the entire page from Swedish to English?  It's fun, some of the words do not come through but the majority of it appears to be there.

Great ideas, thanks,

Claudia, co-founder Weavolution

TinaHilton (not verified)



Those pictures are great Kerstin.  They provide lots of inspiration on how to make a large blanket with a small loom.

maryv (not verified)

That sounds very similar to mattress stitch used in knitting. There's a baseball stitch that's quite decorative, too. I'm sorry I don't have a link right now.



Actually, the text suggests a picnic blanket :-)

The page is from our local weaving guild (and the webmistress happens to be me...). A few of our pages are translated (properly - or at least as good as I could) - start here. (And check the index - several weave drafts to be found, and drafts are almost universal, too)
