Well today I warped my little Dorothy 4 harness table loom with  mixture of colored yarn that I'd used for blankets last winter (Harrisville Shetland, Swedish Tuna).  because I sleyed 10 epi for blankets, I tried 6 epi for a scarf hoping for a lighter, airier web.  After just a few picks, I found this was a mistake.  So I untied from the front apron rods, unsleyed the reed, and re sleyed at 8 epi.  BUT, you know how the yarn should travel in a straight line from the reed, through the heddle and onto the back apron rod?  Well now my yarn looks straight from the reed to the heddles, but then veers outward where it's already wound onto the back beam.  

Do you think I need to unwind the whole 150" warp, retie, and rewind?  I've never read a post about this kind of error.  THANK YOU!



It should be fine.  I doubt the slight deviation from parallel is going to be a huge problem.



Sue in VT

I'm relieved to hear your response Laura.  I'll post a picture.  Thanks!