Lonely end-delivery shuttle seeks companion for long walks through the shed.  I am fearful that my owner might only weave projects requiring a single weft if I do not find a mate or two soon!   Ideally you would take the same pirns as I use, but this is negotiable.  I've been admiring those beautiful schacht end delivery, but the hooks of the bluster bay scare me a bit. 


On a serious note - used would be great, but I'm prepared to buy a new one.  Other threads about this topic, on this site, are several years old, and I'm wondering if there is any new thinking.  Its a serious investment, but I really, really, really like my AVL, and I love shadow weave, so another purchase appears to be inevitable. 



Dena (not verified)

Fly shuttle with metal tips or not?  What size are your pirns?


I'll have to check when I'm back home this evening.  

I do not know the difference between a fly shuttle and a standard end-delivery, but I'd love to learn.


I am also looking for  additional end-delivery shuttles for my fly. With metal tips and rollers... these (and the accompnaying wieght) I beleive would be the main characteristics distinguishing a flyshuttle.  I want a second 15 or 16" shuttle and a pair of shorter lighter ones, in the 10-12" range - for narrow(er) warps. The one I have is of the "antique store" variety and was lovingly restored by a local machinist.