For many months now, I find that I will recieve message notifications by email and when I log into Weavo, I am unable to find them. 

Sometimes I can identify the user by name and reach them by email.  Any suggestions why this is happening?




Nassajah (not verified)

Hi Dawn,


I hope  you receive this message and have time to respond.  I have a 40" Harrisville 4H 6T and the cord keeps breaking on it as I weave, even new onces.  I want to replace the cord with texsolv, but am not sure how to do it.  I know that you've done it and would appreciate it if you could give some detailed instructions on how it is done.  I live overseas and there isn't any guild in the country I reside in.  Harrisville is so unfriendly and unhelpful that I'm sure they would never answer any question like this.  

Please email me at: [email protected] if you can provide instruction on how to do it.

Thank you,


sally orgren

The private messaging at Weavo is very finicky.

If you post a private message to someone, be sure to include your "real" email in that message, so the receiver can respond directly in case the message doesn't reappear after the initial access. (For instance, if I click on the message link to read it, and plan to respond later.)

The original idea of this service was terrific - that we could communicate within the community without sharing our real emails. However, this component has not worked properly for years now. I can sometimes view the PM when it initially comes in, but after that, they seem to disappear.

Or, if I respond through the Weavo messaging service, I cannot access the conversation stream until a reply comes in.

Erica J

I just recieved a notification of a private messasge, clicked on the link and got straigh to the message. Would you please look at the subject line of the e-mail you recieved and copy and paste is in a reply here. There are 2 seperate systems that were instituted on the site. One is an actual private messaging system and the other is called a contact form. Some people only have one or the other turned on.

The subject line of the e-mail you are referencing should help me track down the issue.

Thank you,
